We’re excited to unveil a fresh look for our website today. Feel free to look around, read some of our case studies or watch some of our featured videos.

Our first half of 2021
Despite the challenging circumstances, we haven’t been idle. We used the ‘down’ time to work on the website’s new design, continued to engage with our clients and our network of content creators, and added new functionalities to our in-house project management and report tools. Here are some of our highlights from the first half of 2021:
#inEmiliaRomagna eMagazine
During this health crisis, when travel was not possible, we sought to find new ways to leverage existing content to keep destinations at the top of travellers’ minds. One of our projects was the creation of the Unforgettable Experiences #InEmiliaRomagna eMagazine, which we launched in February 2021. The eMagazine is a collection of unique Emilia-Romagna experiences as described by travel bloggers who have visited the region. The content covers various themes: from food to fast cars, art history, nature and adventure.
TraCEs Cultour is Capital
In early-2021, we completed our participation in TraCEs Cultour is Capital, a project of the European Union to showcase transformative travel experiences in former European Capitals of Culture. We were thrilled to learn that our partnership with TraCEs was selected by Interreg Europe as good practice to inspire policymakers in Europe.

Africa Travel Week 2021
In conjunction with Africa Travel Week in April, organised by our friends at WTM Africa, we presented an online session on “The importance of Ethics and Sustainability in Influencer Marketing“. Joining us were our esteemed experts, Peter Jordan, consultant at GenC Traveller, and Lily Germa, Global Tourism Reporter at Skift.

We were also excited to be named by WTM Africa as one of the ‘Thought Leaders to Look Out For in 2021’.
We also executed various marketing and content creation campaigns, such as the #DreaminGraz campaign with the city of Graz, Austria, and the #SpainOnMyMind campaign with the Spanish Tourist Office.

We have numerous projects and campaigns in the pipeline for the rest of 2021. Watch this space for more iambassador news!